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Thread: Stock carb kit info

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    North Central Wisconsin


    Money....all about money....he has been my sons favorite Packer for years.
    Lord send your Holy Ghost into our hearts and make the desire of our hearts Your Will.

    Pro-choice, that's a LIE, babies don't choose to die!!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    So, Shooter, did you have any luck with that Canadian link? The guy simply quit responding to me.

    Apparently the correct rebuild kit for our Holley 1920 1-bbl is the CK537, but it's spendy at more than $50. And I wasn't eager enough to fork that over for a kit that "should work."

    The CK174 is a kit for another very similar carb Saxon came up with. It was much, much cheaper, and appeared to be exactly the same. The guy thought perhaps the difference was in the needle and seat. He was going to get one in and check, but never got back to me and has ignored five attempts to contact him, each months apart.

    All we need is a guinea pig with $50+ to risk! You game?!
    -- Tim Taylor

  3. #13


    Basically what I did was walk in to Napa and ask if they had a kit. After the puzzled look and a little explaining we looked at some large books. Before long I was behind the counter with four or five books and a note pad. By the time I walked out I had found a lot of what I needed but nowhere neer a kit. It should arrive next Wednesday. I will say at least the guy behind the counter was nice enough to get out of the way end just let me have at it. Cudos, to Napa!
    On a side note, it did give me a chance to get over to Rich's place (Compexp) for about two hours of jaw-jackin' on a nice day out in the yard.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    northern Arizona


    Must have been Scott down at Napa - big guy with a flat top?

    Still have that beer in the fridge for your return trip.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Binford View Post
    So, Shooter, did you have any luck with that Canadian link? The guy simply quit responding to me.

    Apparently the correct rebuild kit for our Holley 1920 1-bbl is the CK537, but it's spendy at more than $50. And I wasn't eager enough to fork that over for a kit that "should work."

    The CK174 is a kit for another very similar carb Saxon came up with. It was much, much cheaper, and appeared to be exactly the same. The guy thought perhaps the difference was in the needle and seat. He was going to get one in and check, but never got back to me and has ignored five attempts to contact him, each months apart.

    All we need is a guinea pig with $50+ to risk! You game?!
    O.K., screw Napa! I just got back from there and boy do I feel violated. The guy says that half the parts I ordered are discontinued and the only thing he could get me was the $3.00 float bowl gasket that also now cost $6.00 "becuase he had to order it". So once again screw Napa and yes I will be the Guinea pig
    P.S. Sorry Rich, I was runnin late and havin' a bad day. We'll have that beer another day.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    Well, then go to that website and order up CK537. If it doesn't fit, then I'll bet Doc Rusty (the boss guy) will make it right for you, since he assured me that's the right kit based on three different numbers off three different Holly 1920 carbs off three different M715s.

    Such a high price for such a simple, simple rebuild kit!

    Let us know, Shooter!

    Oh, and tell him Tim Taylor from the M715 Zone sent you.

    Hold off a day or two on ordering that kit if you can, Shooter. I e-mailed the guy once more to see if he has compared the cheaper kit yet. I'll let you know if he responds.
    Last edited by Binford; March 23rd, 2007 at 08:10 PM.
    -- Tim Taylor

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Binford View Post

    Let us know, Shooter!

    Oh, and tell him Tim Taylor from the M715 Zone sent you.

    Hold off a day or two on ordering that kit if you can, Shooter. I e-mailed the guy once more to see if he has compared the cheaper kit yet. I'll let you know if he responds.
    Will do, I've still got one deal goin' with a guy on Steelsoldiers. $30.00 plus shipping, it was a pretty old post and he hasn't replied yet.

  8. #18


    Memphis Equipment has the carb rebuild kits for the M715 Holley 1920 carb. Runs about $30 + shipping. For me, it's not worth messing around trying to find these parts when I can call memphis directly and they ship the next day.
    Just my $0.02.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Port Orchard, Wash.


    It was my understanding that this kit was not complete. Just what I've heard though.

    I know I got an old Jet kit (might have even been from them) that had a part or two that was not correct.

    I got it from LT Associates on eBay. Here's the link:
    Last edited by Binford; March 23rd, 2007 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Added eBay link
    -- Tim Taylor

  10. #20


    The Memphis is complete. If it is not complete, then please tell me what is missing?

    I have rebuilt 2 of my carbs using the kit. All the parts in the kit are correct for the Holley 1920 carb. The kit has everything that needs to be replaced.

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