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Thread: First M715 purchase

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Moundsville, WV

    Default First M715 purchase

    Howdy all. Bought my first M715 last week off gov't auction. It's about 250 miles away in BFE Pennsylvania. Went there today to assess and see if I can get it running and drive it back. It's currently not running b/c the harmonic balancer is messed up. Looked around a bit online and all I could find was one on evilBay for $131. I know parts are difficult to locate for these Tornado 230's but, jeez... All the parts except the crankshaft key seemed to be there, so I brought the balancer back w/ me to match up the keyway. The key slot in the crankshaft looks somewhat chewed up but I think I can make it work. Opinions on that are welcome, of course.

    In any case, the truck was sitting for 3 years and the rest of it checked out ok. Master cylinder was bone dry but I put in some fluid and pumped the brakes a few times and it seemed to come around. Clutch seems functional as do the gears. Tires all had air. Didn't test spark but the points looked good. Had a weatherproof sealed style distributor cap so I think that helps a lot. The crank bolt was still there and I tightened it up until the engine started turning and I got two full revolutions of the crank w/o any strenuous effort. I'm sure the fuel is questionable but I'll assess that when I go back to get it running. Oil looked fresh and didn't stink of fuel or have water in it. Radiator was dry but I think they might have drained it when they took the balancer off.

    Couple of questions: Does anyone know of a good place to get replacement rims? I work at a tire shop and the widowmaker rims are not allowed. I have another place I can get them done but they charge a lot. I'd rather just get replacement, non-life-threatening rims and be done w/ it. Suggestions?

    Is there anything else I should look for when something has been sitting for a few years? Besides fuel, spark, etc... I plan on taking three new batteries for the dual voltage system so I should be ok there too.

    I attached a few pics to this post, but couldn't figure out how to include them inline. I read a couple of other posts where they suggested just putting the URL in the post but that didn't work, it just turned the URL into a link. I also tried using <img> and [img] tags but that didn't work either.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Moundsville, WV

    Default Forgot to mention

    I also jacked up all 4 tires and they all spin w/ no effort. I'm quite hopeful the brakes will somewhat function.

  3. #3


    Unless the FD has monkeyed with the wiring (like that has NEVER happened before -- you'd be the first), it's not dual-voltage, just straight 24 volts. 2 @12v batteries mount in a box between teh seats.

    They may have added a second battery to run things like the blinky-blinky fire lights, siren, pump starter, etc. Or just pulled 12v off of one of the two series-wired batteries.

    Man invented the slowest form of transportation - the sailboat, Then decided to race them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Moundsville, WV


    Quote Originally Posted by kaiser715 View Post
    Unless the FD has monkeyed with the wiring (like that has NEVER happened before -- you'd be the first), it's not dual-voltage, just straight 24 volts. 2 @12v batteries mount in a box between teh seats.

    They may have added a second battery to run things like the blinky-blinky fire lights, siren, pump starter, etc. Or just pulled 12v off of one of the two series-wired batteries.
    There are two batteries wired in series between the seats, and one battery under the hood. There's two alternators mounted on the engine, a normal-looking AC-Delco and what looks like a larger one underneath (looks more like a generator than an alternator). Maybe it's not commonly called a dual-voltage system, but there are definitely two separate systems providing pixies.

    They probably did add the extra battery for lights and such, but the ignition and gauges all look like they're still on the 24-V system.
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  5. #5


    Contrats on your purchase, and welcome to the zone

    Would someone please tell me how to get my computer to be able to see photo links like this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Silver Lake Sand Dunes MI


    Quote Originally Posted by fliptop View Post
    Howdy all.

    Couple of questions: Does anyone know of a good place to get replacement rims? I work at a tire shop and the widowmaker rims are not allowed. I have another place I can get them done but they charge a lot. I'd rather just get replacement, non-life-threatening rims and be done w/ it. Suggestions?
    Welcome, congrats on getting a M715. As for the wheels, they are not split rings, they are military safety rings and are different than split rings. They have a safety lip that prevents them from blowing apart like split rims. They can be very easy to work with if you know what you are doing, they were made to be able to be changed in the field by 18 year old soldiers without many tools. Don't call them split rings when you talk to a place, call them by their proper name and most places will understand what they are then.

    As for posting images for everyone to be able to see, you need to use a hosting site like which is free. You then link the pictures using the picture button on this page. You will end up with something that looks like this for everyone to see.

    "[IMG][/IMG ]"

    Delta Team Decals:

  7. #7


    Realistically, you should really reconsider your plan, and have it hauled home.
    Last edited by jeepdan; September 15th, 2021 at 11:41 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Moundsville, WV


    Quote Originally Posted by jeepdan View Post
    Realistically, you should really reconsider your plan, and have it hauled home.
    Where's the fun in that?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Moundsville, WV


    Quote Originally Posted by Beast View Post
    Welcome, congrats on getting a M715. As for the wheels, they are not split rings, they are military safety rings and are different than split rings. They have a safety lip that prevents them from blowing apart like split rims. They can be very easy to work with if you know what you are doing, they were made to be able to be changed in the field by 18 year old soldiers without many tools. Don't call them split rings when you talk to a place, call them by their proper name and most places will understand what they are then.
    Thanks for the info, I will talk to the guys at the shop I work at and go from there.

    As for posting images for everyone to be able to see, you need to use a hosting site like which is free. You then link the pictures using the picture button on this page.
    I have uploaded the images to my webserver, but there's no "picture button" for me to link. Only an "additional option" at the bottom to attach files. Here's a full-size screenshot:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Moundsville, WV

    Default Testing inline images...

    This is only a test

    OK I figured it out. Unless I'm missing something, I don't have a 'picture button.' But if I wrap the URL in IMG tags it works. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction @Beast!

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