First off I'm happy I found this website. I've read several topics and overall the people here seemed well informed. That being said this probably won't be the only forum I ask questions so here it goes.

I love the M715, fell in love with it (along side my 1978-79 Bronco full body) when I first saw it in the movie tremors. Yet with that love I've never really looked into it because I figured I'd never own one. Well, I'm writing a book and I find myself in need of the knowledge anyway.

1st question is this:
I know the original engine wasn't considered the 'best' due to it's overhead cam. From what I've read many say that most just didn't know how to properly maintain it, others say it was a horrible design due to lack of knowledge OF overhead cams. What's the actual story behind this as everything I've read have said the truck was phenomenal for it's time...except for the engine? Was the engine good and the issue was just bad maintenance or was the design bad?

2nd question:
What is the 'best' engine, pre electronic BS where you need a computer degree to work on it i.e. an actual mechanically driven engine, that one can put into the M715. I know best can mean many different things especially when you take into account what it will be used for, I'm not opposed to multiple answers as long as reasons can be given like better MPG, better HP, better Torque that kind of thing. I am asking in general overall.

Site recommendations to possibly buy my own M715, whether to rebuild or straight up buy, I'm not shy. I already have a '54 Truck in my garage I'm beginning to tear apart to rebuild.